
Convert HTML to Text

By Jonathan Wood on 4/5/2011
Language: C#
Technology: .NET
Platform: Windows
License: CPOL
Views: 79,645
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Recently, I wrote an article that presented code to convert plain text to HTML. So it occurred to me that it might be useful to publish some code that does the opposite: convert HTML to plain text.

Any application that extracts information from web pages will need to deal with HTML. For these applications, a conversion is required if you want to produce plain text. This conversion includes removing HTML tags, stripping tag content that isn't readable text (from tags such as <script>), and removing excess whitespace.

For the most part, this conversion is pretty simple. However, I'll discuss a few issues I ran into that made it a little more complicated.

The HtmlToText Class

Listing 1 shows my HtmlToText class. This class contains a single public method, Convert(), which converts HTML to plain text. This method loops through each character in the input text and performs the translation as it goes.

If it encounters an HTML tag, the code starts by parsing the tag from the input. Special handling is included for the <body> and <pre> tags. This method works fine with HTML that does not include a <body> tag. But, if it encounters one, it goes ahead and discards any data that came before it. In my testing, there is no point trying to extract useful text from outside the <body> tags.

Normally, the method will discard excess whitespace characters just as Web browsers do. However, if the code encounters a <pre> (preformatted) tag, then it changes mode and no whitespace is removed while in preformatted mode.

Next, the code looks up the tag in the _tags dictionary. This dictionary contains a list of tags and text that should replace them. For example, since <p> (paragraph) tags separate enclosed text from the surrounding text, the replacement text for both <p> and </p> is a new line. (Note that the parser is happy with just "\n" as a newline). By placing this information in a table this way, it is very easy to customize the translations without changing the code.

Finally, the code attempts to lookup the tag in the _ignoreTags list. If found, this indicates the contents of this tag should not be written to the output. For example, the inner text from a <script> tag should not be part of the resulting plain text. In this case, the EatInnerContent() method is called to consume text inside this tag. Because tags can be nested, this method will recursively call itself to process any tags it finds within the inner text.

For characters that are not part of any tag, they are written to the output string with special handling for whitespace, which I'll discuss next.

Handling Whitespace

When writing this code, I was able to get this far in pretty short order. However, things then became a little more complex. What I was ending up with was a lot of extra whitespace.

As mentioned previously, I wanted the code to replace any sequence of whitespace with a single space character, just as browsers do. But there are exceptions. For example, all whitespace is retained when in preformatted mode. And I don't want to discard whitespace specified using &nbsp;. Also, I don't really want spaces at the beginning or end of a line, so they should be discarded too.

In addition, I had to deal with the fact that the replacement text in the _tags dictionary included a lot of newlines. My initial results included places with many empty lines between text. Sometimes I want a single newline, other times I want a double newline, but I really don't want more than two newlines together.

As you can see, this can start getting a little convoluted. I ended up adding a protected helper class, TextBuilder. This class includes the logic to handle the conditions I've described above. The main class calls the TextBuilder class with text to be added to the output, and the TextBuilder class takes care to remove extra whitespace.

Note on the HttpUtility.HtmlDecode() Method

I should point out that my code uses the HttpUtility.HtmlDecode() method to decode HTML-encoded text. This method is defined in System.Web. By default, a reference to System.Web is added to ASP.NET applications but not to desktop applications.

If you want to use this code from a desktop application, you'll need to go into your project's properties and set the target framework to ".NET Framework 4" instead of ".NET Framework 4 Client", add a reference to System.Web, and add using System.Web; in your source file.

Listing 1: The HtmlToText Class

/// <summary>
/// Converts HTML to plain text.
/// </summary>
class HtmlToText
    // Static data tables
    protected static Dictionary<string, string> _tags;
    protected static HashSet<string> _ignoreTags;

    // Instance variables
    protected TextBuilder _text;
    protected string _html;
    protected int _pos;

    // Static constructor (one time only)
    static HtmlToText()
        _tags = new Dictionary<string, string>();
        _tags.Add("address", "\n");
        _tags.Add("blockquote", "\n");
        _tags.Add("div", "\n");
        _tags.Add("dl", "\n");
        _tags.Add("fieldset", "\n");
        _tags.Add("form", "\n");
        _tags.Add("h1", "\n");
        _tags.Add("/h1", "\n");
        _tags.Add("h2", "\n");
        _tags.Add("/h2", "\n");
        _tags.Add("h3", "\n");
        _tags.Add("/h3", "\n");
        _tags.Add("h4", "\n");
        _tags.Add("/h4", "\n");
        _tags.Add("h5", "\n");
        _tags.Add("/h5", "\n");
        _tags.Add("h6", "\n");
        _tags.Add("/h6", "\n");
        _tags.Add("p", "\n");
        _tags.Add("/p", "\n");
        _tags.Add("table", "\n");
        _tags.Add("/table", "\n");
        _tags.Add("ul", "\n");
        _tags.Add("/ul", "\n");
        _tags.Add("ol", "\n");
        _tags.Add("/ol", "\n");
        _tags.Add("/li", "\n");
        _tags.Add("br", "\n");
        _tags.Add("/td", "\t");
        _tags.Add("/tr", "\n");
        _tags.Add("/pre", "\n");

        _ignoreTags = new HashSet<string>();

    /// <summary>
    /// Converts the given HTML to plain text and returns the result.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="html">HTML to be converted</param>
    /// <returns>Resulting plain text</returns>
    public string Convert(string html)
        // Initialize state variables
        _text = new TextBuilder();
        _html = html;
        _pos = 0;

        // Process input
        while (!EndOfText)
            if (Peek() == '<')
                // HTML tag
                bool selfClosing;
                string tag = ParseTag(out selfClosing);

                // Handle special tag cases
                if (tag == "body")
                    // Discard content before <body>
                else if (tag == "/body")
                    // Discard content after </body>
                    _pos = _html.Length;
                else if (tag == "pre")
                    // Enter preformatted mode
                    _text.Preformatted = true;
                else if (tag == "/pre")
                    // Exit preformatted mode
                    _text.Preformatted = false;

                string value;
                if (_tags.TryGetValue(tag, out value))

                if (_ignoreTags.Contains(tag))
            else if (Char.IsWhiteSpace(Peek()))
                // Whitespace (treat all as space)
                _text.Write(_text.Preformatted ? Peek() : ' ');
                // Other text
        // Return result
        return HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(_text.ToString());

    // Eats all characters that are part of the current tag
    // and returns information about that tag
    protected string ParseTag(out bool selfClosing)
        string tag = String.Empty;
        selfClosing = false;

        if (Peek() == '<')

            // Parse tag name
            int start = _pos;
            if (Peek() == '/')
            while (!EndOfText && !Char.IsWhiteSpace(Peek()) &&
                Peek() != '/' && Peek() != '>')
            tag = _html.Substring(start, _pos - start).ToLower();

            // Parse rest of tag
            while (!EndOfText && Peek() != '>')
                if (Peek() == '"' || Peek() == '\'')
                    if (Peek() == '/')
                        selfClosing = true;
        return tag;

    // Consumes inner content from the current tag
    protected void EatInnerContent(string tag)
        string endTag = "/" + tag;

        while (!EndOfText)
            if (Peek() == '<')
                // Consume a tag
                bool selfClosing;
                if (ParseTag(out selfClosing) == endTag)
                // Use recursion to consume nested tags
                if (!selfClosing && !tag.StartsWith("/"))
            else MoveAhead();

    // Returns true if the current position is at the end of
    // the string
    protected bool EndOfText
        get { return (_pos >= _html.Length); }

    // Safely returns the character at the current position
    protected char Peek()
        return (_pos < _html.Length) ? _html[_pos] : (char)0;

    // Safely advances to current position to the next character
    protected void MoveAhead()
        _pos = Math.Min(_pos + 1, _html.Length);

    // Moves the current position to the next non-whitespace
    // character.
    protected void EatWhitespace()
        while (Char.IsWhiteSpace(Peek()))

    // Moves the current position to the next non-whitespace
    // character or the start of the next line, whichever
    // comes first
    protected void EatWhitespaceToNextLine()
        while (Char.IsWhiteSpace(Peek()))
            char c = Peek();
            if (c == '\n')

    // Moves the current position past a quoted value
    protected void EatQuotedValue()
        char c = Peek();
        if (c == '"' || c == '\'')
            // Opening quote
            // Find end of value
            int start = _pos;
            _pos = _html.IndexOfAny(new char[] { c, '\r', '\n' }, _pos);
            if (_pos < 0)
                _pos = _html.Length;
                MoveAhead();    // Closing quote

    /// <summary>
    /// A StringBuilder class that helps eliminate excess whitespace.
    /// </summary>
    protected class TextBuilder
        private StringBuilder _text;
        private StringBuilder _currLine;
        private int _emptyLines;
        private bool _preformatted;

        // Construction
        public TextBuilder()
            _text = new StringBuilder();
            _currLine = new StringBuilder();
            _emptyLines = 0;
            _preformatted = false;

        /// <summary>
        /// Normally, extra whitespace characters are discarded.
        /// If this property is set to true, they are passed
        /// through unchanged.
        /// </summary>
        public bool Preformatted
                return _preformatted;
                if (value)
                    // Clear line buffer if changing to
                    // preformatted mode
                    if (_currLine.Length > 0)
                    _emptyLines = 0;
                _preformatted = value;

        /// <summary>
        /// Clears all current text.
        /// </summary>
        public void Clear()
            _text.Length = 0;
            _currLine.Length = 0;
            _emptyLines = 0;

        /// <summary>
        /// Writes the given string to the output buffer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="s"></param>
        public void Write(string s)
            foreach (char c in s)

        /// <summary>
        /// Writes the given character to the output buffer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="c">Character to write</param>
        public void Write(char c)
            if (_preformatted)
                // Write preformatted character
                if (c == '\r')
                    // Ignore carriage returns. We'll process
                    // '\n' if it comes next
                else if (c == '\n')
                    // Flush current line
                else if (Char.IsWhiteSpace(c))
                    // Write single space character
                    int len = _currLine.Length;
                    if (len == 0 || !Char.IsWhiteSpace(_currLine[len - 1]))
                        _currLine.Append(' ');
                    // Add character to current line

        // Appends the current line to output buffer
        protected void FlushCurrLine()
            // Get current line
            string line = _currLine.ToString().Trim();

            // Determine if line contains non-space characters
            string tmp = line.Replace("&nbsp;", String.Empty);
            if (tmp.Length == 0)
                // An empty line
                if (_emptyLines < 2 && _text.Length > 0)
                // A non-empty line
                _emptyLines = 0;

            // Reset current line
            _currLine.Length = 0;

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the current output as a string.
        /// </summary>
        public override string ToString()
            if (_currLine.Length > 0)
            return _text.ToString();


Using the HtmlToText class is simply a matter of passing your HTML text to the Convert() method. The included download includes code for the class and a test project.

Listing 2: Using the HtmlToText Class

HtmlToText convert = new HtmlToText();
textBox2.Text = convert.Convert(textBox1.Text);

I guess that pretty much rounds out my articles on converting between HTML and plain text.

End-User License

Use of this article and any related source code or other files is governed by the terms and conditions of The Code Project Open License.

Author Information

Jonathan Wood

I'm a software/website developer working out of the greater Salt Lake City area in Utah. I've developed many websites including Black Belt Coder, Insider Articles, and others.