
Intermediate Markup Syntax

WARNING: This specification is still being developed and is subject to change.

Intermediate Markup Syntax (IMS) is a specification for creating text documents.

All Black Belt Coder articles are entered into our system as IMS. Articles submitted in formats such as HTML must be manually converted to IMS before we can use them. Proprietary software is then used to convert the IMS to HTML.

Black Belt Coder maintains a copy of both the HTML and the original IMS. Authors wanting to update a published article should first obtain the original IMS from us before making changes that they plan to resubmit.

Authors submitting articles to Black Belt Coder do not need to understand the information in this article. For the most part, IMS is just plain text. But IMS supports tags that can be used to control the final HTML.

Why was IMS Created?

IMS was not created to make things more difficult for authors by requiring them to learn yet another syntax. For the most part, any plain text document is IMS-compliant. Black Belt Coder is more than happy to accept quality articles submitted as plain text.

However, some articles need more control over the final HTML. For example, an article may contain formatted source code, or it may list data in a table. Since any HTML formatting codes in the article would be converted to characters (for example, "<" would be converted to "&lt;"), IMS is used to gain any control the author needs to format text.

How Do I Write an IMS-Compliant Document?

As previously stated, most plain text documents are already IMS-compliant. Here are some of the basic rules.

Paragraphs are separated by two newlines (entered by pressing Enter twice at the end of a paragraph). Lines separated by only one newline will be treated as part of the same paragraph.

IMS tags can be used to control formatting. IMS tags begin with two open square brackets ([[) and terminate with two closing square brackets (]]). For example, [[hdr]]This is a Section Header[[/hdr]].

If you need double square brackets to appear within your text, write them as three square brackets ([[[). This tells the conversion software that this is not part of an IMS tag, and two open square brackets are written to the HTML.

IMS Tag Reference

This section decuments the syntax for all tags supported by IMS. Note that the text that appears between an opening and closing IMS tag is referred to as the inner text. For example, [[keyword]]This is the inner text[[/keyword]].

IMS tags can have one or more argument.

IMS tags are delineated with double square brackets and have an opening and closing tag just like HTML tags (for example, [[keyword]]...[[/keyword]]). Some tags can have a colon followed by one or more arguments. Each argument is separated by a semicolon ([[link:http://www.domain.com;Tooltip Text]]Inner Text[[/link]]).

Some tags take one or more arguments. The syntax for these arguments is the same syntax used for defininting attributes within an HTML tag. For example, [[tagName argumentName="argumentValue"]]. In addition, some tags support a default attribute. Default attributes provide a shortcut and can be written as [[tagName:argumentValue]].

[[code language="value"]...[[/code]]

Use the [[code]] tag to embed a block of source code in the article text.

The language argument specifies the language used within the code block. For example, cs (C#), vb (VB.NET), cpp, (C++), xml (XML & HTML), etc. The language argument is required and can be specified as a default argument. For example, [[code:cs]]...[[/code]].


The comment tag provides a place to put notes or other information. The resulting HTML will not include any comment tags or comment tag inner text.

If you ever request the original IMS for an article you wrote (for example, if you want to update the article), we can provide that. And it will still include any comment blocks that were part of the original submission.


This defines header text, similar to the <h1> in HTML. Only one level of header is supported.

This tag can also be shortened to [[h]]...[[/h]].


Use this tag if you want to embed raw HTML within your article. The conversion software will copy the contents inside this tag to the HTML document without change.

In general, we prefer not to use this tag in our articles. Use this tag when you absolutely, positively need to directly control the HTML in part of your article.

[[image url="value" navigateurl="value" tooltip="value"]]

Use the [[image]] tag to display a graphic in your article.

The url argument specifies the address of the image to be displayed. The url argument is required and can be specified as a default argument. For example, [[image:logo.jpg]].

The navigateurl argument specifies an address to navigate to if the image is clicked. This argument is optional. Use it to turn the image into a hyperlink.

The tooltip argument specifies text that appears in a pop-up balloon when the user hovers the mouse over the image. This argument is optional.


Use the [[keyword]] tag to indicate a word within your text represents a symbol or keyword from your code. For example, you might write text something like: After initialization, the code then calls the [[keyword]]Run()[[/keyword]] method.

[[link url="value" tooltip="value"]]...[[/link]]

Use the [[link]] tag to insert a hyperlink in your text. The inner text will be the visible link text.

The url argument specifies the address to navigate to if the link is clicked. The url argument is required and can be specified as a default argument. For example, [[link:http://www.blackbeltcoder.com]]...[[/link]].

The tooltip argument specifies text that appears in a pop-up balloon when the user hovers the mouse over the image. This argument is optional.


The [[meta]] tag is a special tag used to contain meta information for the article such as the title, description, keywords, author's email, etc. Once this tag is processed by Black Belt Coder, it is stripped from the IMS.

To see an example of the data expected within this tag, please download our article template.

All Other Tags

Any other tag not specifically supported by the IMS parser will simply be converted into an HTML tag. For example [[table width="100%"]]...[[/table]] would translate into <table width="100%">...</table>.